bigben0123 发表于 2014-5-9 23:12

天龙 denon ah-d1100有破音,希望能帮忙测试首歌曲

买的行货听了10多天。当用cd机听正版专辑:星外星精彩全记录:BMG音乐精选 第3辑 HDCD(宣传品/非卖品,第9首歌曲,维也纳少年合唱团的野玫瑰(Heidenroslein - Vienna Boy‘s Choir:试听百度网盘下载。声音即使开的很小。左耳会出现破音。
我用akg 的q460听,没有破音。

对比以前的q460. 缺点是比较轰头,耳朵有压迫感,毕竟是全封闭。声场感觉更好些。q460闷一点。

bigben0123 发表于 2014-5-9 23:18


bigben0123 发表于 2014-5-10 08:12

试音碟.-.[专业耳机试音碟].专辑.(APE) 中的第一首“鸡脚上的小屋与基辅之门”到8分半的时候也炸音了。

bigben0123 发表于 2014-5-12 13:10

国外有个网站也说到这个问题“treble” “sizzle”。

The treble became problematic for me once the cymbals kicked in, a bit too much sizzle in the 5Khz region. On the flip-side I was able to hear the acoustic guitar parts over the verse, which is not typically as audible. If I were going to use this as my main rock and metal headphone, I would keep an eye on the volume. I believe the sizzle in the treble region which seems very sensitive to crash cymbals could become fatiguing over long listening periods.

bigben0123 发表于 2014-5-22 11:34

今天听惠威试音碟3,第13首:Hi-Vi Test - 高山流水 (古箏)。高音也破了

auronwang 发表于 2014-7-23 00:17

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