
求伊波里托夫专辑Aquarius AQVQ 377-2和阿米洛夫专辑ASV CD DCA1014

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发布时间: 2020-6-13 13:30


求音乐大咖帮助找伊波里托夫的专辑,里面的65号和69号组曲是目前为止唯一的录音,分别是《在土库曼斯坦草原上》、《乌兹别克斯坦音画》。 这是俄罗斯厂牌Aquarius AQVQ系列,专辑号Aquarius AQVQ 377-2。先谢谢了! ...


oh6666 来自 中国 发表于 2024-12-20 00:23
polloeqq 发表于 2020-6-14 10:17
anxin兄,谢谢您的乐于助人的热心肠,115都下载不了说明尽心了,https://rutracker.org/foru ...

polloeqq 来自 亚太地区 发表于 2020-6-14 10:17
anxin 发表于 2020-6-14 08:49
这个资源,和你发的图片不一样,你发的两个衔接无 ...

anxin 来自 欧洲和中东地区 发表于 2020-6-14 08:49
anxin 来自 亚太地区 发表于 2020-6-14 08:34
polloeqq 来自 亚太地区 发表于 2020-6-13 23:44
anxin 发表于 2020-6-13 22:03
这个资源很少见,不多,rutracker.org上搜不到。提个小建议,发资源求资源最好附上CD的英文或原文通用名 ...

您说的挺对的,谢谢您的提醒。1、AMIROF SHUR我有磁力链就是下不下来,您能不能帮助下载?磁力链 magnet:?xt=urn:btih:de6b25ccf5a69275afe3463a2cf0ea21c82ad8e9&dn=amirov%20shur
2、The Russian Flute (Wiesler, Pontinen) [BIS, 1989] 这个长笛专辑也是不错的,磁力链magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9C71B1872F640A9EC731D7A2019E1591B770F3AA

3、第一张的英文名:Leonid Pyatigorsky Russian Symphonic Music works
Product Description LEONID PYATIGORSKY Cond. All-Union Radio Orch.: Russian Symphonic Music, incl. Ippolitov-Ivanov & Sats. (Russia) Aquarius AQVR 377, recorded 1949 & 1962. - 4607123631423


“Ilya Sats was a composer, who grew up in a Jewish family and was a friend and protege of Leo Tolstoy, but later was in political exile..The family moved to Moscow in 1904, when Sats became music director of the Moscow Art Theatre (MAT). After the October Revolution in 1917, Commissar of Education Anatoly Lunacharsky proposed to start a theater for the children and the MAT director Konstantin Stanislavsky recommended the 15 year old Natalya Sats, Ilya’s daughter. After many stage successes, she received both Russian and international recognition. In 1931 conductor Otto Klemperer invited her to stage Mozart's NOZZE in Buenos Aires, and Verdi's FALSTAFF in Berlin. Using her friendship with Sergei Prokofiev, she commissioned him to write PETER AND THE WOLF, which she premiered 2 May, 1936. This play has received a wide international success, was recorded over 400 times, and translated to a number of languages.”

- Loyal Bluto


1. Turkic march. Op. 55

Turkic fragments. Suite No. 3. Op. 62

2 (1). The Caravan

3 (2). At Rest

4 (3). At night

5 (4). At the festival

On the steppes of Turkmenistan. Suite No. 4. Op. 65

6 (1). On falconry

7 (2). Love song

8 (3). Maiden's dreams

9 (4). March

Musical Pictures of Uzbekistan. Suite No 5. Op. 69

10 (1). Night in Bukhara

11 (2). Dances

12 (3). In the garden

13 (4). Counter-March


Suite from the music to M.Maeterlink's 'Blue Bird'

14 (1). Dream and Fir-tree

15 (2). a) Light; b) Fairy; c) Clock; d) Dance of the Clocks

16 (3). March

17 (4). In the land of memories: a) Grandfather and Grandmother; b) Farewell

18 (5). Time

19 (6). Mother's song

20 (7). Light and March

anxin 来自 亚太地区 发表于 2020-6-13 22:03
本帖最后由 anxin 于 2020-6-13 22:04 编辑



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