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奥地利出身的指挥家应该有功力。 曼弗雷德·霍内克出生于奥地利并在维也纳音乐学院学习深造。多年在维也纳爱乐乐团、维也纳国家歌剧院担任小提琴及中提琴手的经历,为指挥生涯烙下了深刻的印记。 受邀邀请并多次成功指挥了匹兹堡交响乐团之后,他被聘请为该团的第九任音乐总监,并于2008-2009音乐季开始任期。 霍内克在匹兹堡的成功于 Reference Recordings 灌录了 11 张专辑,全部以SACD发行。这些录音都收录了施特劳斯、贝多芬、布鲁克纳、柴可夫斯基等人的作品,并获得了众多出色的评论和奖项,包括多项格莱美提名。 肖斯塔科维奇的第五交响曲和巴伯的慢板的录音获得了 2018 年格莱美“最佳管弦乐表演”奖。次年,布鲁克纳的第九交响曲获得了三项格莱美提名。柴可夫斯基第 4 号唱片与乔纳森·莱什诺夫的单簧管和巴松管双协奏曲的全球首演于 2020 年 5 月发行。2021 年 2 月,曼弗雷德·霍内克和匹兹堡交响乐团发行了贝多芬第 9 号交响曲的新唱片以示庆祝管弦乐队成立 125 周年。 |
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附个专辑评论 Mahler: Symphony No. 1/Honeck Review by: David Hurwitz In case you haven’t noticed, Allegro now distributes Exton, an exciting prospect for American collectors tired of ordering direct from Japan and paying crazy prices for shipping. Conductor Manfred Honeck’s credentials include a stint as a violist with the Vienna Philharmonic, not necessarily a good prospect given the fact that the orchestra only woke up to the value of Mahler when it realized it could make a quick buck playing him abroad, and otherwise has turned in more lousy and unidiomatic performances of Mahler’s music than any orchestra aside from the Berlin Philharmonic. How delightful, then, to be able to report that this is unquestionably one of the great Mahler Firsts, a performance that has abundant character, ideas that work, and astounding playing, particularly from the Pittsburgh horn section. Honeck claims that he has tried to emphasize the music’s debt to Austro-Bohemian folk music, and to bring out (even exaggerate) its brilliant orchestral colors. That’s exactly what he does, and it’s surely the right way to go. The first movement “wakes up” naturally, atmospherically (great offstage trumpets), by imperceptible degrees, rising to a crushing climax leading to a raucous coda. The scherzo is a rustic, heavily accented, foot-stomping frenzy, while the trio has enough schmaltz to cause cardiac arrest. It works, though, because both here, in the central melody of the (splendidly parodistic) funeral march, and in the lyrical second theme of the finale, Honeck gets the strings to “float” their melodies with such gentleness, such seductively sweet vibrato (Roger Norrington please note), that the massive rubatos and hesitations work beautifully. And speaking of the finale, the opening shriek is hair-raising, with the brass and percussion playing like demons. But it doesn’t end there. If you really want to hear what a totally committed performance of this music ought to sound like, check out the entire passage after the second subject (beginning with the two tam-tam crashes), culminating in the false climax that leads back to the music of the first movement. It’s insane. So too is the concluding chorale, with horns blazing–and an extra cymbal crash or two for good measure. The otherwise very quiet audience gives a rousing cheer at the end, and you will too for a fabulously recorded live performance that truly captures the freshness and daring of this work as few other versions have. If you want “you are there” sonic realism, and an interpretation that hits you right in the gut, then you must hear this. Bravo! [11/23/2009] |
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