求补发,谢谢 |
还烦请其他收藏了的坛友再分享一下吧 |
jimguo 发表于 2022-10-29 01:35 从留言得知应该是所有在境外的坛友都受到了这份礼遇。 |
liusd 发表于 2022-10-28 21:43 搞多了被发现的up主都这样被贵宾待遇 |
xuerdoudou 发表于 2022-10-28 15:52 我的百度网盘已不能再上传发布任何资源,因为链接创建的功能已被封锁(百度的说辞是:由于系统升级,分享功能暂不...)抱歉! |
这么好的资源麻烦哪位再分享一下吧 |
暂时不可访问呢,J大方便再给个链接吗?谢谢 |
感谢分享经典 |
感谢 |
多谢分享。 |
liusd 发表于 2022-10-11 21:14 多谢楼主解释和分享专辑曲目目录,这回就清楚了,不然还以为少了东西呢。多谢多谢! |
感谢分享,下来听 听看! |
本帖最后由 liusd 于 2022-10-11 21:20 编辑 zxs4950 发表于 2022-10-11 14:13 你要知道的是Vol. 8和CD13是不同的表述。一套弥赛亚唱片,有的是2枚CD,有的是3枚CD。 在这里就是把一个专辑标记为一个文件,目的就是便于欣赏、保存。现在的流媒体资源都是采用这样的方法来发布。 我把这13枚CD的曲名分享给你,如果你喜欢,那就自己分开存放把。谢谢。 Tracklist: CDs 1–3 HANDEL Messiah Jennifer Vyvyan · Norma Procter George Maran · Owen Brannigan London Philharmonic Orchestra & Chorus CDs 4–6 HANDEL Messiah Joan Sutherland · Grace Bumbry Kenneth McKellar · David Ward London Symphony Orchestra & Chorus CDs 7–8 HANDEL Acis and Galatea Joan Sutherland ∙ Peter Pears Owen Brannigan · David Galliver St. Anthony Singers Philomusica of London CD 9 FAMOUS HANDEL SONGS AND ARIAS J.S. BACH Sheep may safely graze; Air (Suite No. 3) Kenneth McKellar Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden CLARKE Trumpet Voluntary BRITTEN God Save the Queen London Symphony Orchestra & Chorus Kenneth Alwyn · Benjamin Britten *bonus CD 10 A RECITAL OF BACH & HANDEL ARIAS 1953 Recording Kathleen Ferrier London Philharmonic Orchestra CD 11 A RECITAL OF BACH & HANDEL ARIAS 1960 Stereo Remake Kathleen Ferrier London Philharmonic Orchestra CD 12 BACH & HANDEL RECITAL Kirsten Flagstad London Philharmonic Orchestra CD 13 GREAT SACRED SONGS Mendelssohn; Gruber; Gounod Parry; Bortniansky; Wade; Liddle —————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Tracklist: Vol. 1 (CD1~CD3) 01. Symphony 02. 1. Comfort ye, My People 03. 2. Ev'ry Valley shall be Exalted 04. 3. And the Glory of the Lord 05. 4. Thus saith the Lord 06. 5. But who may abide the Day of his Coming 07. 6. And He shall purify the sons of Levi 08. 7. Behold, a Virgin shall Conceive 09. 8 & 9. O Thou that Tellest Good Tidings to Zion 10. 10. For Behold, Darkness shall Cover the Earth 11. 11. The People that walked in Darkness 12. 12. For unto us a Child is born 13. 13. Pifa (Pastoral Symphony) 14. 14. There were Shepherds...And Suddenly there was with the Angel 15. 15. Glory to God in the Highest 16. 16. Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion 17. 17. Then shall the Eyes of the Blind 18. 18. He shall Feed his Flock 19. 19. His Yoke is Easy 20. 20. Behold the Lamb of God 21. 21. He Was Despised 22. 22. Surely He hath borne our Griefs 23. 23. And with His Stripes we are Healed 24. 24. All we like Sheep have gone astray 25. 25. All they that see Him 26. 26. He trusted in God 27. 27. Thy Rebuke hath broken His Heart 28. 28. Behold and See 29. 29. He was cut off 30. 30. But Thou didst not Leave 31. 31. Lift up your Heads 32. 32. Unto which of the Angels 33. 33. Let all the Angels of God 34. 34. Thou art gone up on high 35. 35. The Lord gave the Word 36. 36. How Beautiful are the Feet 37. 37. Their Sound is gone out 38. 38. Why do the Nations 39. 39. Let us Break their Bonds asunder 40. 40. He that Dwelleth in Heaven 41. 41. Thou shalt Break them 42. 42. "Hallelujah" 43. 43. I Know that my Redeemer Liveth 44. 44. Since by Man came Death 45. 45. Behold, I tell you a Mystery 46. 46. The Trumpet shall Sound 47. 47. Then shall be Brought to Pass 48. 48. O Death, where is thy Sting?; 49. But Thanks to God 49. 50. If God be for us 50. 51. Worthy is the Lamb...Amen Vol. 2 (CD4~CD6) 01. Symphony 02. 1. Accompagnato: Comfort ye, My people 03. 2. Air: Ev'ry Valley shall be exalted 04. 3. Chorus: And the glory of the Lord 05. 4. Accompagnato: Thus saith the Lord 06. 5. Air: But who may abide the day of his coming 07. 6. Chorus: And He shall purify the sons of Levi 08. 7. Recit: Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive - 8. Aria: O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion - 9. Coro 09. 10. Accompagnato: For behold, darkness shall cover 10. 11. Air: The people that walked in darkness 11. 12. Chorus: For unto us a Child is born 12. 13. Pifa (Pastoral Symphony) 13. 14. Recitative: There were shepherds - Accompagnato: And lo, the angel of the Lord - Recitative: And the angel said unto them - Accompagnato: And suddenly 14. 15. Chorus: Glory to God in the highest 15. 16. Air: Rejoice greatly, o daughter of Zion 16. 17. Recitative: Then shall the eyes - 18: Duet: He shall feed his flock 17. 19. Chorus: His yoke is easy 18. 20. Chorus: Behold the Lamb of God 19. 21. Air: He Was Despised 20. 22. Chorus: Surely He hath borne our griefs 21. 23. Chorus: And with His stripes we are healed 22. 24. Chorus: All we like sheep have gone astray 23. 25. Accompagnato: All They That See Him - 26. Chorus: He Trusted In God" 24. 27. Accompagnato: Thy rebuke hath broken His heart 25. 28. Arioso: Behold and see 26. 29. Accompagnato: He Was Cut Off - 30. Air: But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell 27. 31. Chorus: Lift up your heads 28. 32. Recitative: Unto which of the angels - 33. Chorus: Let all the angels 29. 34. Air: Thou art gone up on high 30. 35. Chorus: The Lord gave the word 31. 36. Air: How beautiful are the feet 32. 37. Chorus: Their sound is gone out 33. 38. Air: Why do the nations 34. 39. Chorus: Let us break their bonds asunder 35. 40. Recitative: He that dwelleth in heaven - 41. Air: Thou shalt break them 36. 42. Chorus: Hallelujah 37. 43. Air: I know that my Redeemer liveth 38. 44. Chorus: Since by man came death 39. 45. Accompagnato: Behold, I tell you - 46. Air: The Trumpet shall sound 40. 47. Recitative: Then shall be brought to pass - 48. Duet: O death where is thy sting - 49. Chorus: But thanks be to God 41. 50. Air: If God be for us 42. 51. Chorus: Worthy is the Lamb... Amen 43. "Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart...Behold and See" Vol. 3 (CD7~CD8) 01. Symphony 02. Oh, the pleasure of the plains 03. Ye verdant plains 04. Hush, ye pretty warbling quire! 05. Where shall I seek the charming fair? 06. Stay, shepherd, stay! 07. Shepherd, what art thou pursuing? 08. Lo! Here my love! 09. Love in her eyes sits playing 10. Oh! Didst thou know the pains 11. As when the dove laments her love 12. Happy we! 13. Wretched lovers! 14. I rage-I melt-I burn! 15. O ruddier than the cherry 16. Whither, fairest, art thou running 17. Cease to beauty to be suing 18. Would you gain the tender creature 19. His hideous love provokes my rage 20. Love sounds th'alarm 21. Consider, fond shepherd 22. Cease, oh cease, thou gentle youth 23. The flocks shall leave the mountains 24. Help, Galatea! Help, ye parent Gods! 25. Mourn, all ye muses! 26. Must I my Acis still bemoan 27. 'Tis done: thus I exert my pow'r divine 28. Heart, the seat of soft delight 29. Galatea, dry thy tears 30. O ruddier than the cherry (Alternative Version) Vol. 4 (CD9) 01. "Frondi tenere...Ombra mai fu" 02. "Love In Her Eyes Sits Playing" 03. Silent Worship ("Did'st Thou Not See My Lady?") 04. "Deeper, and Deeper Still" 05. "Comfort ye, My People...Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted" 06. "Where'er You Walk" 07. "Thanks To My Brethren...How Vain Is Man" 08. "My Arms! Against This Gorgias...Sound an Alarm" 09. Sheep may safely graze 10. 2. Air 11. Clarke: Trumpet Voluntary 12. Britten: The National Anthem (God Save The Queen) Vol. 5 (CD10) 01. Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris 02. Aria "Grief for Sin" 03. Aria "All is fulfilled" 04. Agnus Dei 05. Return, O God of Hosts 06. 8. O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion 07. Father of Heaven 08. 21. Air: He was despised Vol. 6 (CD11) 01. Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris 02. Aria "Grief for Sin" 03. Aria "All is fulfilled" 04. Agnus Dei 05. Return, O God of Hosts 06. O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion 07. Father of Heaven 08. Air "He was despised" Vol. 7 (CD12) 01. Sheep May Safely Graze (Arr. Kramer; K. Davis) 02. Break in Grief 03. Jesu joy of man's desiring 04. Stölzel: If Thou Be Near ("Bist du bei mir", BWV 508) 05. Sommi Dei (Gods all-powerful) 06. "Art thou troubled?" 07. Oh sleep, why dost thou leave me? 08. He shall feed his flock 09. I know that my Redeemer liveth 10. Handel: Praise ye the Lord (Arr. Woodgate; McCormack) Vol. 8 (CD13) 01. Mendelssohn: Hear My Prayer 02. Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets 03. Gruber: Silent Night, Holy Night 04. Gounod: O Divine Redeemer 05. Parry: Jerusalem 06. Bortniansky: Jubilate 07. Wade: O Come All Ye Faithful 08. Liddle: Abide With Me |
谢谢分享谢谢 |
楼主好!这一卷看标题是13CD,但下载后发现只有8个文件夹,不知何故,望查。 |
赞,精品 多谢分享 |
谢谢啦 |
楼主发的都是精品,感谢你! |
现在把楼主介绍的试听文件,都归类在一个文件夹下留着听。这样最合适。 对仙桃一口,只能细品。安静,才能出智慧。 |
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