已放弃,入手了wiim mini,哈哈哈,tidal connect终于run起来了 |
https://github.com/GioF71/tidal-connect,这个试一试呢 |
clark8888 发表于 2024-3-31 17:48 咱俩可能是在同一个群,哈哈哈 |
https://github.com/lovehifi/tidalconnect-picore Tidal Connect for PiCorePlayer piCorePlayer (piCorePlayer v8.2.0) is a very small Music OS, only about a few tens of MB in size, and operates entirely on RAM. Installing Tidal Connect on piCorePlayer can significantly increase the size of your OS, adding about 100MB. If you're not too concerned about that, give it a try. This version only supports 32-bit. Install Tidal Connect. wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lovehifi/tidalconnect-picore/main/install.sh | sh After installation, you need to perform the following steps: Open the Tweaks page and add the following In the tweaks page, Shairport-sync to Yes. Add User command #1: /usr/local/etc/init.d/avahi start Add User command #2: /home/tc/Tidal-Connect-Armv7/tidal.sh start Click button Save, reboot your system. 群友说好像是要借助airplay实现,不懂 |
看报错嘛 shell启动脚本,第六行的配置文件没有找到,一步步往上定位 |
picore的8版本在树莓派3A+上无法运行 |
换成8 |
zheng_nick 发表于 2024-3-30 22:31 树莓派3A+,安装32bit的picore9,安装lovhifi的tidal插件。手机tidal app可以搜到tidal connect,但点击没反应无法连接 |
lovehifi/tidalconnect-picore --唯一能正常使用的 |
我的是3B+,3A没有用过,应该不会吧 |
zheng_nick 发表于 2024-3-30 20:22 picoreplayer是不是必须通过有线网连接才能打开wifi?我的树莓派3A+没有有线网口 |
有知道的大神吗 |
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