发表于 2018-11-6 10:10
来自 亚太地区
本帖最后由 softice 于 2018-11-6 10:22 编辑
维基百科对 HiFi 的解释:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_fidelity
High fidelity (often shortened to hi-fi or hifi) is a term used by listeners, audiophiles and home audio enthusiasts to refer to high-quality reproduction of sound.[1] This is in contrast to the lower quality sound produced by inexpensive audio equipment, or the inferior quality of sound reproduction that can be heard in recordings made until the late 1940s.
Ideally, high-fidelity equipment has inaudible noise and distortion, and a flat (neutral, uncolored) frequency response within the human hearing range.[2]
HiFi 对应的是 low-quality reproduction of sound,和专业设备是两回事
HiFi 追求的是把原声还原回来,但是很难,成本很高,有时候甚至是鱼和熊掌比如钢琴和小提琴的回放。专业设备是专门某项工作流程里要做到极致和方便而已,还要考虑成本,毕竟专业设备往往是要用来盈利的。比如监听人声回放的耳机,人声以外的频段不那么好也没关系。所以我觉得 HiFi设备 是大于专业设备的。
如果有一天 HiFi 成本很低了,那么专业设备估计才会去走 HiFi 的路。