I highly recommend purchasing it on our website and the link below to purchase it: https://www.harmanaudio.com/akg/AKG+N5005.html
If the unit is already purchased, we can check the authentic by checking the serial number that you may see on the box with the format of "AA0000-AA00000"
答:N5005更适合乐器演绎要求高的曲目,低频质感要求高的曲目。建议根据自己常听的曲库选择。举例说明: 同样设备,李佳薇的《大火》《煎熬》这类的歌跟Michael Jackson的《Slave to the Rhythm》歌用N5005听,前者无功无过,后者氛围满分。N5005人声稍远,如果对人声距离要求很高的用户我不推荐,同价位应该有别的选择。用N5005听歌曲,伴奏容易抢了人声的戏。这本身是一把双刃剑,人声远的情况下,听乐队演绎往往觉得鼓手比歌手离自己还近 楼主用N5005主听流行,经常感觉歌曲伴奏太好听,跟人声配合得好且抢戏