原来还有这种双剑合璧的方法,但是支持 2822K 的 PGGB Offline 版本并无学习版。
暂时 HQPlayer Pro 还是能够成功学习最新的 4.20.0 版本,因此它可以把 2822K 的文件(15 首歌就超过 150G)转换到相对细小的 DSD 64 格式,省却的硬盘空间实在是非常多:
Ok for experiment sake…I upsampled to 2822kHz @ 64bit. Then convert to DSD 64! The sound is insane. I also notice when using HQP the CPU usage is very low. Presume this has something to do with PGGB upsampled to 2822.
What I do know is it sounds really good. I prefer PGGB v HQP. But using PGGB with HQP sound really, really good. Probably DAC dependant for sure. If you have PGGB convert a track to maximum rate & bit depth & play through HQP.
Use 2822 output rate & 64bit then use HQP. Some combination!
Only issue is 1 album with 15 songs was 157gb! Worth creating few playlists mind you.