这个好像没几个人在同一设置下对比过。我有k-01xd,数播是aurender ACS10,效果非常满意。但我也没机会直接对比过01xd和03xd。哪怕是在香港试了一圈,因为不买,不好意思要求店老板用同样的设置试这两台机器,搬来搬去太重。不同设置下试听了,借鉴意义不大。个人建议如果预算已经定了,就上xd03吧,3万用来加钟啥的,这钱省不了。
The historically speaking there wasn’t always a major difference between the K1 and K3. But with the XD series, there is a significant difference between the K-01XD and K-03XD. I believe the K-01XD carries triple the number of delta-sigma chips over the K-03XD. Sonically, there is greater layering and a smoother presentation with the K-01XD. That being said, the K-03XD is a super performer at $14k and it’s the product that got me hooked.