来自Miles Davis的访谈
What did you think of Chet Baker? I liked Chet. But white guys play a certain way, man. They lean on notes, you know, when they set a rhythm. I used to enjoy all the white bands when I was a kid listening to the radio. But the record companies, they take music and label it—like, they say "rock". Because the white singers can't sound like James Brown, they call him "soul". They've been doing that for years. That's the prejudice crap. So you get rock groups that are white, that are actually prejudiced. They say "freedom", but they only mean freedom for themselves. And I see all those white producers—trying to make young films. But they don't understand that scene. They mess them white kids up; the kids don't know whether to f—or ride. Or get high. I see 'em getting high most of the time. When white people get high, they say: "It's all right for me." There's a lot of guys in jail, man, for ten years that had two sticks of reefer, you know—because they're black, and with a white girl or something. Now you get a white kid with two sticks of reefer, they'll throw it away—and let him off. I mean, it's those producers and record companies the way they sell things helps with a lot of prejudice. It builds a white image. Like, jazz is an Uncle Tom word. They should stop using that word for selling. I told George Wein the other day that he should stop using it.