发表于 2021-7-31 15:50
来自 香港
听说测试版本的 PGGB 已经支持实时升频,希望它能媲美离线升频的好处。
实际上 64G 内存已足够满足 20 亿 Tap 的需求,而且 WavPack 的无损压缩也不错了:
This makes lossless mode ideal for archiving audio material or any other situation where quality is paramount. The compression ratio depends on the source material, but generally is between 30% and 70%. PGGB 还有其他可取之处,例如 Room Correction 或者个别耳机的 EQ:
If you wish to EQ your headphone while remastering with PGGB, you can either bring your own Headphone EQ filter, or download one of the PGGB optimized filters from the list below and import them in PGGB-EQ